LEAP preschool is a privately owned preschool that aims to provide a stimulating, challenging and nurturing environment which allows children to develop to their full potential educationally, physically, socially and personally.
At LEAP we promote a child centered approach by creating an environment where children are active participants in their own learning. We aim to provide personalized education for students taking into consideration their interests and needs. We teach, encourage and support our students to become independent lifelong learners. Therefore, our premises have been thoughtfully planned and designed in a way that fulfils our vision of creating not only a safe and secure but also a rich learning environment for our students.
consists of a daily routine that organises time. The predictable sequence of events is the same each day, giving the children a sense of security and control and allowing them to act independently.
During planning time, the teacher encourages children to communicate their ideas, choices, and decisions. Children express their intentions about the materials, actions, people, and ideas they plan to use. During work time (the do in plan-do-review), children carry out their plans. Considering they are implementing their own plans, children tend to do so with interest and a sense of purpose. They learn through hands-on experience and by solving problems that may arise. During recall time (the review in plan-do-review), children are given the time to re?ect on their actions and what they have learned.
During cleanup time children are expected to return materials and equipment, as well as putting away or displaying their creations. This process will restore order to the classroom and is a positive learning experience. During cleanup time children are expected to return materials and equipment, as well as putting away or displaying their creations. This process will restore order to the classroom and is a positive learning experience.
During small group time, activities are teacher planned based on children’s interests and developmental levels. After the teacher introduces the activity children work with their own set of materials in ways they determine themselves.
During large group time each child has an opportunity to participate in a large group, sharing ideas and learning from the ideas of others. At this time, all the children and teachers come together for movement and music activities, action songs, and cooperative games.
During outdoor time, children have access to a space that the teachers will arrange and equip with materials that are safe, inviting, and full of opportunities for children’s learning. It is a time for children to enjoy physical, noisy, and vigorous play.
Our classrooms are setup to encourage exploration, creativity, and learning. All classrooms share certain elements that include interest areas, open-ended materials, and clearly labeled shelves and containers. While all classrooms follow these principles each teachers classroom is unique due to the physical space and the cultures of the children, as well as their individual interests and abilities.